"I look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get that retched Elizabeth out of the arms of my beloved John! I must do anything possible for my love!

Uncle Parris leaves me with Betty. My friends, Mercy Lewis and Mary Warren are here. We talk about the dancing in the woods. I persisted to tell them that if questioned we were merely dancing and Tituba was the one conjuring Ruth’s dead sisters. Of course, I try to get the story right and keep our names clean but that little Mary Warren wants to be the naïve and scared little brat! I have to convince her much more; she must do as I say. John comes by, he nearly scares Mary and makes Mercy leave. God, I love the power he peruses.

John and I talked and kissed. He insists he does not love me. I know in my heart that he does, he said so. He never found joy in he and Elizabeth, I know it. As we talked, John explained that the reason he had come into town was to see what “mischief my uncle’s brewin’,” obviously I don’t believe him. I know him too well to know that he was looking for me. I’ve waited for him and I assure you he has done the same. I speak of Elizabeth and how cold and sniveling of woman she is. He only bends a knee to her.

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